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It is clear that digital learning is here to stay. EquatIO has proven be an invaluable tool for math and STEM in this environment. At Texthelp, we seek to add value to our product by saving you time, something that is like gold dust in your profession. It’s all about hitting the sweet spot between the time consuming task of providing grades and feedback, and the impact that immediate, meaningful feedback has on student performance and engagement. There have been many different articles published about feedback and the importance of making sure that it’s meaningful. They all agree that effective feedback involves: -Making sure the feedback is very specific -The sooner the feedback arrives for the student, the better -Present the feedback in a careful manner (This can help build student confidence when it's presented positively) -Give students time to process the feedback and revise their work to show better understanding of learning outcomes -Involving your learners in the process During this session, you will learn how to check all of these boxes and do it in less time than ever before possible with EquatIO mathspace.