Full Name
Kimberly McCorkle
Job Title
Technology Integration Manager
Keith Middle School - New Bedford Public Schools
Kimberly McCorkle is originally from New Hampshire. She is the Technology Integration Manager at Keith Middle School in New Bedford, MA. Prior to returning to New England from Texas, she was a 6th grade teacher in a middle school in Southeastern Texas where she taught for 12 years. During that time, she taught Math, Social Studies and Science. She received a Chromecart for her classroom in the fall of 2012 and has been enthusiastically using technology in her classroom ever since. She has presented numerous times at the Texas Google Summit, and TCCA Conference in Aldine, TX and participated in the Google Lesson Plan Jam at Google headquarters in Austin, TX. She is a Level 1 and Level 2 Google Certified Educator. It is her passion to help other educators effectively use technology in the classroom!
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