Full Name
Stacy Royster
Job Title
CTO/Director of Technology
Opelika City Schools
Stacy Royster is the CTO/Director of Technology for Opelika City Schools in Opelika, Alabama. She has been in the education field for the past 20 years serving as both a high school mathematics teacher and Director of Technology for the district. The experience she gained throughout the 13 years in the classroom has provided her great insight on how to best support teaching and learning within her district. Her innovative technology integration methods have led to multiple opportunities to speak at local, national, and international events. She holds a master's degree in secondary mathematics education from Auburn University and holds the Chief Technology Officer Certification from the statewide organization Alabama Leaders in Educational Technology (ALET). She currently co-facilitates the CTO certification program for the organization and works to prepare technology directors across the state for their role as a CTO. Follow her on Twitter @sbroyster