Full Name
Barry Goch
Job Title
Product Marketing Manager
AJA Video Systems

Barry Goch, Product Marketing Manager, AJA Video Systems, supports the company’s global marketing efforts by contributing to AJA’s website, product marketing across a range of platforms, trade show product roll outs and other go to market items as well as being an AJA evangelist in the LA area.

Previously Barry was a feature film and television finishing editor in Hollywood with credits including Spiderman: Homecoming, Passengers, Money Monster, Eye in the Sky, and Game of Thrones. He is also a creative editor, cutting the SXSW 2020 Award Winning Short, Stucco. Barry was also a journalist for many years reporting for Post Perspective and Post Magazine.

Barry is a member of the Television Academy, the Visual Effects Society, The Hollywood Professional Association and the current Chair of SMPTE Hollywood.

Barry Goch