Enter your new product to win a Picks Award and get recognized by the industry’s leading publications. This prestigious awards program gives the opportunity to stand apart among other brands. Awards will be judged and awarded by Future US, Inc., the publishers of TWICE and Residential Systems. As a BONUS, all nominated products will be featured in the Picks Awards Program Guide that is distributed to readers of these top industry publications following CES. The nomination deadline is extended to January 7, 2020, 11:59 PM ET. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

To enter, complete and submit the nomination form. All entries must be received on January 7, 2020, 11:59 PM EST, unless otherwise noted. All entrants must complete the online nomination form (one per product nominated), remit payment for the entry fee(s) via our online system. The prizewinners will be determined by a panel of judges and will be notified in person or by mail, email and/or telephone on or about January 10, 2020. Judges’ decisions are final. This contest is sponsored by Future US, 11 W 42nd Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Entry fees are $695 per product per publication to which you submit for consideration. Companies may enter numerous products for consideration, provided they complete the online nomination form and pay the necessary entry fee(s). Odds of winning are determined by the total number of eligible entries received. A purchase will not increase one’s chances of winning. The use of any automated devices in connection with this promotion is prohibited. Entries made on the Internet will be deemed made by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry. In the event of a dispute, potential winner may be required to provide proof that the potential winner is the authorized account holder of the e- mail address associated with the potentially winning entry.
Benefits included with each of your Awards-Entry Submissions: One full-page advertorial for each nominated product — with special distinction for winning entries — in the Picks Awards Program Guide, published and distributed digitally to all of Future US’s Consumer Electronics lists after CES 2020, plus additional promotion and brand exposure in our post-show recap coverage of award nominees and winners.
What are the Picks Awards?
The program recognizes outstanding products exhibited at CES. Winners are selected by TWICE and Residential Systems editors based on descriptions provided by you via the nomination form.
Who can enter?
Any company that exhibits a new product during CES.
Why should I enter?
Thousands of new products are introduced at CES each year. Help make yours stand out. Further, every product nominated, whether chosen for an award or not, will be featured in the special Picks Awards Program Guide, to be distributed in digital edition form after the show. Program Guide coverage will be based on the image and description submitted with your entry.
When are entries due?
The deadline is January 7, 2020, 11:59 PM ET. We reserve the right to consider late applicants as circumstances dictate.
$695 per product nominated, for consideration by your chosen Future US magazine. You may submit a given product to multiple magazines, at $695 each.
What if I wish my product to be considered by multiple publications?
Just nominate the product for each by checking the appropriate box(es) on the product’s form; so for example, if Jones Smith Manufacturing wishes to nominate a new product for consideration by two magazines, the nomination price is $1,390 ($695 x 2). The entry form will guide you.
May I enter more than one product?
Yes. There is no limit to the number of products you may nominate. Each requires a nomination form and entry fee(s).
How are products evaluated?
A panel of editors will review nominations and choose the winners.
Is my information confidential?
Yes. It will not be published prior to the convention or shared with anyone beyond the judges or editors. Judges will receive nominations after the submission period is closed.
How do I pay?
Click here to nominate a product and pay by credit card.
When will you notify winners?
Prior to the conclusion of CES 2020.
What do I get if I win?
Winners receive an award for display, and winners will be reported in a special Picks Awards Program Guide, to be distributed in digital edition form to readers of TWICE and Residential Systems after the convention. Content will be based on entry submission images and descriptions.
Are there other rules?
Yes, click here.
What if I have a question about the form?
Please email your logistics questions to Sydney Braat
Please email any other questions to Grant Morgan