Mutale Nkonde is an AI policy advisor and founder and CEO of AI for the People, a non-profit that seeks to use popular culture to increase support for policies to reduce algorithmic bias. Nkonde led the advocacy for the introduction of the Algorithmic Accountability Act to the US House of Representatives in 2019 and testified in support of the Act to the House Commerce and Energy Committee when the act was reintroduced in 2022.
AI for the People is currently providing input for the forthcoming UN Declaration for the Rights of People of African Descent in which they are advocating for freedom from Algorithmic Bias should be a basic human right.
Nkonde is a member of the TikTok Content Moderation Advisory Board, Columnist of and much sought-after speaker and media commentator. In 2023, she was named on the 10 Leading Women in AI by Nasdaq.