maria armstrong
maria armstrong
Executive Director
Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS)
Nancy Battaglia
Nancy Battaglia
Director of Instructional Technology
Archdiocese of Chicago
Eileen Belastock
Eileen Belastock
Director of Technology and Information
Mass.Office of EdTech - DESE
Eric Callis
Eric Callis
Director of Technology
La Grange Highlands School District 106
William Campbell
William Campbell
Data Specialists
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
Rick Cave
Rick Cave
Director of Technology
West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District
Tracy Daniel-Hardy
Tracy Daniel-Hardy
Director of Technology
Gulfport School District
Dr. Stacey Gonzales
Dr. Stacey Gonzales
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Consolidated High School District 230
Sancha K. Gray
Sancha K. Gray
Superintendent of Schools
Asbury Park School District
Peter Griffiths
Peter Griffiths
Associate Superintendent
Wichita Falls ISD
Erica Hartman
Erica Hartman
Director of Technology
Morris School District
Aubrey Johnson
Aubrey Johnson
8th Grade Student
Bayou View Middle School
Morgan Joseph
Morgan Joseph
Director, Marketing
Matthew Joseph
Matthew Joseph
Assistant Superintendent
New Bedford Public Schools
Matt Kraft
Matt Kraft
Associate Prof of Education and Economics
Brown University
Keith Krueger
Keith Krueger
CoSN - Consortium For School Networking
Jack Ledbetter
Jack Ledbetter
Leicester Middle School
Dewayne McClary
Dewayne McClary
Director, League of Innovative Schools
Digital Promise Global
Beverly Miller
Beverly Miller
Assistant Director of Schools for Administration/Chief Technology Officer
Greeneville City Schools
Cairo Mills
Cairo Mills
Randolph High School
Frank Murray
Frank Murray
Director of Instructional Technology
Wichita Falls ISD
Brandy Nelson
Brandy Nelson
Executive Director, Learning and Teaching
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
Sandra Paul
Sandra Paul
Director of IT/Operations
Twp of Union Public Schools
Kadion Phillips
Kadion Phillips
Director of Technology
Oxford Public Schools
Kecia Ray
Kecia Ray
Tech & Learning Brand Ambassador
Kim Rominger
Kim Rominger
Proud Grandmother and Retired Educator
Greeneville City Schools
Stacy Royster
Stacy Royster
CTO/Director of Technology
Opelika City Schools
Nikki Schafer
Nikki Schafer
Instructional Technology Specialist
Millard Public Schools
Kristen Watkins
Kristen Watkins
Director of Personalized Learning
Dallas Independent School District
Christine Weiser
Christine Weiser
Content Director
Tech & Learning
Torie Weiston-Serdan
Torie Weiston-Serdan
Executive Director
Youth Mentoring Action Network
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