Melanie Acevedo
Creating a Personalized Learning Cohort for Any Environment
Personalized Learning Instructional Specialist
Melrose Public Schools
As a former 4th grade teacher and having served as a coach for the past 6 years, I've seen so many great teaching practices in action. I am a co-facilitator for our Elementary First Year Educator program. I have a passion for ensuring all students can meet their full potential through personalized learning practices. This year remote learning has brought not only challenges, but some excellent opportunities for us to learn and grow together as a district.

Ryan Adams
Powerschool - Improve Student Performance with Schoology Learning
Senior Account Representative

David Andrade
CDW-G - Hybrid and Remote Learning
CDW-G - Visioning the Future of Teaching & Learning
Senior Education Strategist

Jeff Bajgot
Whalley Computer Associates (WCA) - Closing the Digital Divide with Private LTE
Whalley Computer Associates (WCA) - E-Rate Services Strategy 2021
Sr. Consultant
Whalley Computer Associates

Jeff Bajgot
TECedge - Building your K-12 Cybersecurity Blueprint!
K-12 Technology Solutions
Jeffrey Bajgot has been in the network and information technology sector for over 30 years specializing in cybersecurity, information security, mobility, wireless networks, data centers, and cloud adoption for K-12. Over his career he has filled many roles including technology director, CTO and CSO including opportunities providing management and technology consulting throughout the united states and abroad. He has successfully founded two Internet and managed security businesses for K-12. Jeff received his BS in Information Technology, Summa Cum Laude, from Capella University and Associate in Electrical Engineering, from Northeastern University.

Beth Barra
I Need a Hygge!
East Bridgewater Public Schools
Beth Barra is a 4th-grade teacher and has been at the East Bridgewater Public Schools for eleven years. She is passionate about education, her students, technology, + incorporating STEAM into her ELA lessons. Beth is a certified Mindfulness Instructor and is an SEL enthusiast. When she's not teaching, Beth is most likely working on rebuilding her vintage camper with her family. Connect with her on Instagram @fancactusinfourth!

Nili Bartley
Making "No Place for Hate" a Reality
Teacher/Digital Learning Coach
Natick Public Schools
Nili is currently a technology teacher and digital learning coach for Natick Public Schools in MA. Nili is passionate about bringing unconventional learning to students and colleagues, empowering them to bring their strengths and passions to school every day. After an eleven year adventure in the classroom, Nili’s technology integration role at the elementary level for the next three years pushed her to see the importance of a thriving culture and led her to write “Lead beyond Your Title: Creating Change in School from Any Role.” Nili continues to grow as a teacher and coach after taking the leap to middle school and as a MassCUE Committee Member and Champion, BrainPOP Certified Educator, and enthusiastic presenter, she is committed to sharing her passions beyond the school community and is always excited to connect with other educators.

Jen Bassett
Catch the Magic
Reading Specialist
Medfield Public Schools
As a mom and an educator, Jen is inspired by young learners every day. Through joyful, engaging experiences, she hopes to help foster a lifelong love of literacy. She spent eight years teaching second grade and has been a reading specialist for six years. She believes in the power of connections...connections with children, with texts, and with the world. These connections are facilitated through innovative uses of technology. She is grateful for collaborative connections that support her as she continually adjusts her practice to best meet the needs of diverse students.

Sandra Beck
EdPuzzle: Each piece will help you TEACH!
French Teacher
New Heights Charter School of Brockton
Meet Sandra Beck, a French teacher who takes every opportunity to incorporate new and exciting experiences in her classroom for her students! Known to think outside of the box, Sandra’s primary motivation in everything she does is the benefit of her students. “I always think of my own experiences as a child, she said. “I lived and attended school in France from middle school through college, and everyone was required to take a technology class.” stated Beck. This has shaped her views of learning with technology and its importance in her classroom. (From “MassCUE Featured Educator” December 2019 article)

Ela Ben-Ur
5 Questions Unstick Us in STEM, SEL & Staff Meetings: Free On+Offline Tool
Adjunct Associate Professor & Founder
Olin College & Innovators' Compass
Ela Ben-Ur has worked and co-experimented deeply with organizations and educators interested in design thinking since 2012. The focus of her present experimentation is Innovators' Compass (http://innovatorscompass.org/): 5 questions that move us forward, distilled from many different practices, in many graphic and online formats which have been used from preschools to universities, global conferences and rural communities.
Ela worked 13 prior years at renowned innovation firm IDEO. Her design practice and leadership at IDEO spanned diverse industries, geographies and sectors. She went on to co-found IDEO’s Leadership Studio for developing project leaders, coach teams and facilitate for clients.
Ela has taught courses from product design to life design at Olin since 2007. She has offered workshops through MIT (her alma mater), Sloan, Babson, Dartmouth and Harvard, and at venues from SXSW EDU to the National Science Teachers’ Association, AIGA, International Development Design Summit, and US Conference on AIDS.
Ela earned BS (1997) and MS (1999) in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. As a research assistant in the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Haptics Group, she developed a force-feedback laparoscopic surgery simulator that has been patented and displayed at the MIT Museum.
Her daughters are her inspiration.

Caroline Berz
PBL and Podcasting in the Humanities Classroom
History Teacher
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School
Caroline Berz has been an educator for over a decade in the Boston area and currently teaches in the History Department at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School where she teaches World History and an elective called Women and Gender Studies.

David Bishop
ProAV - The Connected Classroom
ProAV - The Connected Classroom
Chief Commercial Officer
Pro AV Systems

Stacy Blair
Renaissance - Expand your core with the world of literacy.
National Academic Advisor
Renaissance Learning
Stacy Blair spent 28 years in education serving the students of Alabama in various positions from classroom teacher, reading coach, and district level instructional specialist. Stacy has received advanced degrees with specialized support for Literacy. She has been a customer of Renaissance products for 20 years. She has coordinated and led school and district level data meetings using STAR data to help change the day-to-day instruction for students. Stacy uses her real-life experiences, knowledge of curriculum and instruction, and her expertise to guide her in her role as an academic advisor

Adrienne Blasioli
ProAV - The Connected Classroom
ProAV - The Connected Classroom
Director of Bid Desk
Pro AV Systems

Jason Boutet
Valley Communications Systems- Security & Surveillance
Avigilon, a Motorola Solutions Company

Paula Boylan
Bring Your Bitmoji to Work- Creating an Interactive Virtual Classroom
Occupational Therapist,
Mansfield Public Schools
I have been a practicing pediatric Occupational Therapist for the past 30 years, working in a variety of settings including pediatric rehabilitation, specialized day schools, and finally landing at the Mansfield Public Schools in 1999. Early in my career, I recognized the value and benefits of the use of technology to help to level the playing field for all of the clients I was working with. In the early 90’s I was a member of the Assistive Technology Team at Franciscans Children’s Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in Brighton, MA and since that time, have continued to grow and expand my knowledge and understanding of the impact that technology can have on a wide variety of persons with varying abilities. In 2016, I earned a Master of Education degree in Educational Technology from Framingham State University. . This degree allowed me to build on my skills of assessing individuals’ strengths and weaknesses and using that assessment to match those areas with appropriate tools to facilitate independence and apply that knowledge to an educational setting. Since achieving that degree, I have worked as the building technology assistant for our K-2 building, helping to facilitate the integration of technology into the classroom for both staff and students.
In my other job, I am the mother to 2 grown daughters, one of whom is a practicing speech and language pathologist, and one of whom is studying to be a Physician Assistant at Springfield College. My husband and I are novice beekeepers and when I am not helping tend to the bees, I love to read (for pleasure) and craft.

Diane Brancazio
Maker Projects with Vinyl/Craft Cutters
Massachusetts Institute of Tec
Diane is passionate about transforming education within existing traditional schools, helping the students and teachers of today. She supports teachers in becoming facilitators of student-centered hands-on learning, and creating a school culture of experimentation, collaboration, self-direction, and joy in learning.
At MIT Diane develops and leads workshops for teachers integrating Maker/STEM into their regular curriculum and in using Makerspaces to engage and empower students. She maintains the Edgerton Center Student Project Lab / Makerspace for the MIT community and regularly supervises undergraduate students on projects that support the K12 MakerLab initiative and personal research. Diane also co-teaches a popular freshman advising seminar entitled “Engineering, Art, and Science."
Working as a product design consultant at several engineering companies, Diane honed her skills in creative problem solving, project management, and fabrication. She went into education as a career after serving as an instructor for summer programs at the Edgerton Center. She has now returned with 15 years of experience in teaching technology and engineering design, computer science, and general science in public middle and high-school classrooms.
Her formal technical training includes a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. She taught Engineering and Computer Science in public high and middle schools for 15 years before returning to MIT.

Leo Brehm
Journey Ed - Save money and understand how to license Adobe and Microsoft products
Cape Cod Collaborative
Leo Brehm, CatchOn’s product manager, is a career school CIO for public schools serving education for over 22 years. Leo has supported education in a variety of roles, including a technology support specialist, instructional technology specialist, network administrator, director of technology, CIO/CTO and adjunct professor in four districts and a higher education institution. He spent most of his career as CIO/CTO with the Sharon and Newton Public Schools in Massachusetts. As a product manager Leo is actively involved in the design and development of CatchOn. Currently, he is leading the development of CatchOn’s learning analytics platform and helping districts leverage next-generation learning data to personalize the learning experience for their learners.

Leo Brehm
Catch On - Are Your Students Engaged?
Product Manager
Catch On
Leo Brehm, CatchOn’s product manager, is a career school CIO for public schools serving education for over 22 years. Leo has supported education in a variety of roles, including a technology support specialist, instructional technology specialist, network administrator, director of technology, CIO/CTO and adjunct professor in four districts and a higher education institution. He spent most of his career as CIO/CTO with the Sharon and Newton Public Schools in Massachusetts. As a product manager Leo is actively involved in the design and development of CatchOn. Currently, he is leading the development of CatchOn’s learning analytics platform and helping districts leverage next generation learning data to personalize the learning experience for their learners.

Jessica Brittingham
Shifting Practice: Maximizing Student Achievement Through Collaboration, PBL, & Skill Development
English Teacher
Dartmouth High School
Jessica Brittingham grew up in Mission Viejo, California, and moved to Boston for college in 1997. Mrs. Brittingham attended California State University Fullerton from 1996-1997, and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in History from UMass Boston in 2000. She then went on to earn her Master’s Degree in Professional Writing from UMass Dartmouth in 2007. In her thirteen years of secondary teaching experience, Mrs. Brittingham has grown to love project-based learning, and has continued to develop her skills in Instructional Technology. She is a Level 2 Certified Google Educator, and plans to begin working on advanced graduate study in Educational Leadership in the near future. She is the proud mother of 2 girls, Rowan and Harper, and the proud-stepmother of 3 boys, Christopher, Matthew, and Zachary. In addition to education, Jessica is passionate about music, reading, and crystals.

Ellen Brooks
On Demand - Building Blended Learning Leaders
Teacher & Professional Development Facilitator/Coordinator
Monroe Public Schools & The NEA
Ellen Brooks is a teacher with classroom experience in lower and upper elementary levels. She began her career in Ann Arbor, MI after graduating from Eastern Michigan University and also has her masters degree from Michigan State University with specializations in literacy. While in Ann Arbor she helped facilitate a professional development program for teachers interested in incorporating technology in their day-to-day classrooms as well as building understanding for pedagogical models about blended learning. Now teaching 6th grade in Monroe, MI Ellen also works with the Teacher Quality program through the NEA to provide and organize professional development webinars across the country.

Liz Brown
Learning Without Tears - Create Confident Communicators for the 21st Century with Learning Without Tears
Sr Tradeshow Coordinator
Learning Without Tears

David Buchanan
Newsela - ICivics & Newsela: News & Media Literacy Today-Keys to Authentic Civic Engagement
Director of Massachusetts Programs
iCivics, Inc.
Dave Buchanan is the Director of Massachusetts Programs at iCivics, leading professional development and advocacy initiatives to improve civic education across the state. Prior to his work with iCivics, Dave worked for 18 years at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, where he led the revision of the Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework from 2016-18. Dave holds an M Ed from UMass-Boston and a BA in history from Middlebury College. All of his work is rooted in his experience over more than 15 years as a history/social studies and literacy teacher.

Mary Lou Buell
Teach Less, Learn More: Feedback Tools That Motivate Learners
Technology Integration Specialist
Weymouth Public Schools
Mary Lou Buell is a technology integration specialist for the Weymouth Public Schools. She began her career in education as a social studies teacher at Weymouth High School. Mary Lou is also the devoted wife of a business owner, and mother of four children: two enrolled in public school in Duxbury, one a student at Seton Hill University, and one an officer in the United States Coast Guard.

Monica Burns
On Demand - Quick Steps to Make Infographics with Your Students!
EdTech Consultant
Class Tech Tips, LLC
Dr. Monica Burns is an EdTech and Curriculum Consultant, author and former New York City public school teacher. She works with schools and organizations around the world to support PreK-20 educators with thoughtful technology integration. Monica’s website ClassTechTips.com and Easy EdTech Podcast helps educators place “tasks before apps” by promoting deeper learning with technology.

Jennifer Cabral
On Demand - "Virtual" Style Fun & Games To Engage Students During Remote Learning
Speech Language Pathology Assistant
Norton Public Schools
I am a Speech-Langauge Pathology Assistant at Norton Public Schools. At NPS I work with students in middle school, high school, and a post-grad transition program. This is my 5th year working as an SLPA. I love incorporating technology into the work I do to keep things innovative, modern, and most importantly...FUN! Outside of school, I spend most of my free time coaching volleyball at Rhode Island College and a nearby AAU team.

Laura Cahill
Building an Elementary DLCS Course
Assistant Tech Director
Worcester Public Schools
Laura is a district technology coach in Worcester Public Schools, co-chair of the MassCUE Professional Development Committee, and the leader of Google Educator Group Massachusetts. She is also a Google Certified Trainer and ISTE Certified Educator with a passion for professional learning and curriculum development.

Christy Callahan
Catch the Magic
Reading specialist
Medfield schools
Christy s passionate about reading, books, integrating technology to enhance learning, and above all, empowering students and teachers. She has taught for 19 years - seven years as a classroom teacher, in 12 years as a reading specialist. She’s also a professor at Providence College. Most importantly, she is a mom and wife. She thrives on learning new things and incorporating innovative ideas into her teaching in every day life. Collaborating with others, exploring new ideas, and finding the joy in learning motivates her as an educator. She’s continually seeking ways to enrich her practice.

Shaun Cardone
Coaches Panel
Tournament Admin
Tournament Admin for Mainline.gg with a passion for technology, gaming, esports, and how all three will change the world.

Suzanne Carreker
Lexia - Structured Literacy: Applying the Science of Reading in the Classroom
Principal Education Content Lead
Lexia Learning

Lindsey Cawood
On Demand - BeeBots: Robots to practice skills and standards
Using Digital Images to for Literacy Instruction
Technology Coach
Buxton Center Elementary School
PreK-5 Technology coach
@Lindsey Cawood

Anita Cellucci
Visual Poetry: Social Justice, Diversity and Healing
Library Teacher
Westborough High School
ANITA CELLUCCI is the School librarian at Westborough High School, Westborough, MA. where she is also the K-12 Library Department head. As a Teaching Lecturer for Plymouth State University, NH she teaches an online course for children’s and young adult literature with a focus on social justice and diversity in the library. Anita is currently a Director at Large on the AASL Board of Directors, past MSLA Advocacy Co-chair as well as a past President of the Massachusetts School Library Association. She is a Guided Inquiry Design Practitioner and has published a chapter, “Using Inquiry Tools to Activate Reflection and Assess Student Learning” in the book Guided Inquiry Design in Action: High School. Anita has also published articles in publications such as School Library Journal, Teacher Librarian and was a monthly columnist for School Library Connection’s “Full Voice”. She is the recipient of the MSLA Service Award 2017, Peggy Hallisey Leadership Award 2020 and AASL Social Media Superstar Finalist, 2018, Social Justice Defender Category. For her work in relation to mental health and social-emotional learning she was named a 2019 LJ Mover & Shaker and received the School Librarian of the Year 2016 Co-Finalist Award. https://linktr.ee/anitacellucci
@Anita Cellucci

Chey Cheney
Rediscover your Voice and enhance your Teaching practice with Podcasting
Middle School Teacher
Toronto District School Board
Chey Cheney is a middle school teacher with 20 years of teaching experience, originally from Ottawa, Ontario. He currently teaches English and Physical Education in the north Toronto area, and does lots of coaching and leadership work with students in the school. Along with his former teaching partner Pav Wander, Chey co-hosts a podcast called “The Staffroom Podcast,” as well as a live educational music radio show on VoicEd Radio called, “The Drive.”

Leticia Citizen
On Demand - Discover the Wonders of Wonderopolis
On Demand - Stamp your Passport: Spark Curiosity with Global Collaborations
Wake Up! Top 10 Ways to Boost Productivity and Creativity with Wakelet
Hawthorne School
Leticia Citizen has begun her 21st year as an educator. She has taught Kindergarten (2 years), First Grade (7 years), and Fifth Grade (9 years). This is her third year as an i4Coach at Hawthorne School. She uses many instructional tools to impactfully educate, with a particular interest in technology-enhanced teaching and global connections. As a result, she currently and effectively implements many applications and programs available to teachers, helping augment their student's learning, modernizing traditional classroom methods. Leticia is an educator who loves to challenge, engage, and make life-long connections with students and teachers.
Leticia also dedicates her life to social justice and providing professional development for educators and administrators. Collaborating with members of her PLN, Equity In Action was born, an organization looking at who is missing and present in educational spaces, acknowledging where diversity is lacking, and tracking the data behind why. As educators who value learning from the experience and ideas of diverse voices, we recognize the importance of creating welcoming spaces that allow ALL people to feel welcomed and valued. In addition to Equity In Action, Leticia, with Dr. Toutoule Nyoya and Cicely Day, have created Tech.Teach.Grow, LLC. Providing high quality professional development to teachers and administrators, Tech.Teach.Grow, LLC use technology as a tool in tandem with proven research based teaching and learning methodology to deliver our services to our clients.
Leticia shares how she integrates various digital platforms and tech tools with teachers at numerous CUE-affiliate conferences around California and Nevada. She also has presented on these same topics at numerous national conferences over the last several years, most notably NSTA (2018), NCFL (2016 & 2017), NCTE (2018 & 2019), TCEA (2018, 2019, & 2020), FETC (2019 & 2020) and returning to ISTE (2017, 2018, & 2019).
Leticia currently serves as an ambassador and trainer for a variety of digital tools including Edmodo, Seesaw, Nearpod, Wakelet, PenPal Schools, Newsela, and Flipgrid. She is also a Level 1 Google Certified Educator and a returning Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert.

Machele Clark
HUB Tech with Eduscape - Remote Learning – Engaging Hybrid and Remote Learning
Senior Learning Leader

Laurie Clement
On Demand - Level Up with AR: STEAM Activities for K-12 Classrooms
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board
Grade 8 Virtual Teacher -St. Isidore of Seville
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board
* lifelong learner, intrigued by global learning opportunities, Google Education Trainer, Google Certified Teacher ATL14 , proud Canadian

Sean Coffron
Electronic PLC Using LMS
Instructional Technology Training Specialist
Manassas City Public Schools
Dr. Sean Coffron has served as an educator with Manassas City Public Schools for nineteen years, including six years as an administrator and instructional technologist. Having earned a PhD in Educational Leadership and an MBA, his research interested include professional learning and evaluation of staff development. He has offered presentations and workshops on the implementation of instructional technology strategies to promote student and staff engagement, including topics such as digital footprint, learning management systems, 1:1 implementation, and electronic professional learning communities.
@Sean Coffron

Annie Cohn
Digitizing Class Community
District Technology Coach
Worcester Public Schools
Annie Cohn is a district technology coach and former elementary school educator in the Worcester Public Schools. Annie is a graduate of Clark University and continues to work with their education department co-teaching graduate courses and running a summer partnership program for students. Laura is a Google Certified Trainer,a leader of GEG Massachusetts, and working on her ISTE certification. Annie is passionate about community engagement in education and creating a more equitable education system. This is punctuated by her work chairing the Worcester Public Schools’ Techquity Committee. She is an active teacher researcher and deeply invested in improving students’ educational experience. You can find her on Twitter at @ed_tech_family.

Liz Colantuonio
The Online Inclusive Classroom: Co-Teaching in a Virtual World
Special Education
Greenfield Community Virtual School
Liz Colantuonio is an educator with an undergraduate degree in Elementary and Special Education from Wheelock College and a Masters in Education from Emmanuel College in Educational Technology. She has over 25 years of classroom teaching experience with 16 of those years working as a Digital Learning Specialist in Westford, Massachusetts. She is now teaching at the Greenfield Commonwealth Virtual School where she is a Special Education Teacher for K-3 students. Additionally, she works as an adjunct instructor for the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS) in New Hampshire where she teaches Technology courses (Social Media, Learning in a Digital World, Technology 4&5) and Family Consumer Science (Early Childhood, Parenting) classes at the Elementary, High School and Adult Education levels. She also works as an adjunct faculty member at Granite State College, in the School of Education, where she teaches Strategies for Teaching Science to both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students.
@Liz Colantuonio

Dorothy Corbiere
Curriculum Integration at its Best
The Meadowbrook School Of Weston
I am a long-time teacher with a master's degree in Elementary Education and an MAT in math. At the moment I am teaching mostly math, but working hard to integrate science and technology into the math realm. School keeps me busy, but I have lots of hobbies and love anything outdoors. Family keep me busy with 4 grandchildren down the street who always need a ride somewhere, help with homework, or just someone to play ping pong with! A long-time teacher is a life-long learner and that is me.

Molly Cotter
PBL in the Inclusive Classroom: Year 2
Inclusion Specialist
Norwood Public Schools
Molly Cotter is a special education teacher in grades 4-5 at the Balch Elementary School in the Norwood Public Schools.

Odessa Criales-Smith
White Rock Cybersecurity - ESET - Cybersecurity in Education
White Rock Cybersecurity - KnowBe4 Fortifying Your Organization’s Last Layer of Security
White Rock Cybersecurity - Mimecast - Cloud Cybersecurity Services for Email, Data and Web
Contracts, Volume Licensing
White Rock Cybersecurity

Josh Cristiano
Creating a Personalized Learning Cohort for Any Environment
Academic Facilitator
Melrose Public Schools
With a focus on personalized and digital learning, Josh has been an Academic Facilitator for 8 years at Melrose Public Schools.

Natalie Croteau
State Reporting Best Practices
Technology Systems Coordinator
Littleton Public Schools
As a proud Technology. Systems Coordinator at Littleton Public schools, I love the evolving landscape of Technology. I have worked for LPS since the Fall of 2012. Prior to LPS, I was a Trainer/Training Manager for New Horizons CLC of MA, IN, and OH. I am a certified K-6 teacher in MA and PK-8 in Maine.

Richard Culatta
KEYNOTE: 🎤👨🏾🎓 Lessons Learned From My Hip Hop Heroes [Sponsored by Blackboard]
Chief Executive Officer
As the CEO of ASCD/ISTE, Richard Culatta is focused on creating the next generation of innovative learning leaders. Richard has also served as the Chief Innovation Officer of the state of Rhode Island and was appointed by President Barack Obama to lead the US Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology. His book, Digital for Good: Raising Kids to Thrive in an Online World (Harvard Business Publishing) aims to help create conditions for healthy tech use at home and school.

Kristin Daley Conti
Adventures in Autocrat
7th Grade Science Teacher
Tantasqua Junior High
Kristin is a seventh grade, Level 1 - Google Certified Educator, Lead Science Teacher, at Tantasqua Junior High School, a regional school in central Massachusetts. She has been in the classroom for over 20 years. Kristin is a member of MassCue and a first time presenter at this conference. She has facilitated many professional development opportunities in her own district, and has presented at the USM Summer Spark Conference in Milwaukee, WI. Kristin follows both the #tlap (Teach Like A Pirate) and #ditchbook (Ditch That Textbook) hashtags, and co-moderates the #scitlap (Science Teach Like A Pirate) Twitter Chat, every Wednesday at 8:30 EST. She considers herself an educational pirate, a ditcher, and an ed-tech tinkerer.

Daniel Davis
Powerschool - Improve Student Performance with Schoology Learning
Account Manager

Barbara Deeley
PBLT: Enhancing Project Based Learning with Tech
Innovation Specialist Teacher
Howe Manning School
is centered around Design Thinking, and inspired by John Spencer's and A.J. Juliani's LAUNCH framework.

Karen DeSchryver
Edgenuity - Social and Emotional Learning: Our Students Need Us Now More Than Ever!
Edgenuity - Learn and Share: Things I wish I new in September!
Karen’s educational career spans over 26 years with experience as a school psychologist, counselor, district academics and data director, co-designer of blended leaning plans for urban and rural districts, U.S Department of Education/WestEd monitor, and edtech sales and support. She is an award-winning presenter on how edtech can help a district meet state and district goals and has been recognized for her outstanding collaborative performance. Her presentations are lively, humorous and engaging, and she is a firm believer that no two districts are similar, thus no two presentations are similar.
Karen lives Denver, CO. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Philosophy and Design from University of Denver. She and her husband are owned by their two teenage daughters and a Golden Retriever.

Christine Donoghue
Top 20 Google Apps Shortcuts
Library Technology Teacher/ Media Specialist
Billerica Public Schools
My name is Christine Donoghue. I teach at a K-4 elementary school in the town I grew up in. My class is treated as a “Special” and it is a combination of technology and library class, which we call LITE. I am a remote teacher for 20-21 and I have K-7. I have been journaling about remote experiences.
My background is that I was a corporate trainer, teaching people how to use Microsoft Office for more than 20 years. I have been teaching children for 12 years now, and we are a Google Apps district.
I have my MBA from Bentley McCallum Graduate School of Business. I finished my Masters of Education in Instructional Technology, at Lesley University in 2013. I am Google Certified Level 2.
I gave a workshop at MassCUE in 2013 about Sketchup and Augmented Reality. In 2016, I presented on AR and VR at MassCUE and at NPEN. I also presented “Teaching History and Geography Online” in 2016. In 2017, I presented the workshop “Your Taxes Already Paid for This.” In 2019, I presented at the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference on Breakouts. My favorite thing to do is find free resources, or amazing shortcuts that save you time! I presented a version of this presentation to over 500 teachers in my district September 2020!

Tara Draper
On Demand - Outstanding Osmo's: Using Osmo games to learn and create in your makerspace
Library Technology Teacher
East Falmouth Elementary School
Tara has been the Library Technology Teacher at East Falmouth Elementary School for the past eight years. She has a "small yet mighty" makerspace in her library, that has been primarily funded through grants. When she is not in school, Tara likes to go to the beach, read books, enjoy concerts, and spend time with her family and friends.

Michele Eaton
The Perfect Blend: Designing Student-Centered Learning Experiences
Director of Virtual and Blended Learning
MSD of Wayne Township
Michele Eaton is the Director of Virtual and Blended Learning for the M.S.D. of Wayne Township in Indianapolis, Indiana and author of the book The Perfect Blend. She focuses on staff and course development for Achieve Virtual Education Academy and provides leadership for the district's online and blended initiatives and programs. Michele is a 2020 ISTE Making IT Happen Award Winner, CoSN CETL and 2016 Next Generation Leader, 2018 EdWeek Leader to Learn From, Past-President of the ISTE Online and Blended Learning Network, Conference Chair for the Indiana Connected Educators organization (an ISTE affiliate), and moderator for the #INeLearn chat. You can follow her on Twitter at @micheeaton.

Sharon Edwards
On Demand - Inspiring Children’s Writing Through STEM Activities & Digital Storytelling
Clinical Faculty/ Lecturer
College of Education University of Massachusetts
Sharon A. Edwards, Ed.D, is a clinical faculty member in the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Before joining the University, she taught primary grades for 32 years at a public elementary school in Amherst, Massachusetts. She was the 1989 recipient of the national Good Neighbor Award for Innovation and Excellence in Education given by the State Farm Insurance Companies and the National Council of Teachers of English.

Maura Egan
Step Back. Step Forward. A White Educator's Steps To Antiracist Teaching
Grade 8 English Teacher/Practicum Coordinator
Shrewsbury Public Schools
Maura Egan is an 8th grade English teacher and a Pre-Practicum Coordinator for Shrewsbury Public Schools. She has been teaching for 15 years. Maura is a co-founder of Equity Work! Educators, a group that works to help fellow educators actively dismantle systemic racism within schools. In addition, she is the creator and moderator of the IDEA Club (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Awareness) for students. Maura earned her BA in English from Providence College and her MAT in English from Fitchburg State University. Additionally, Maura earned an Equity Certificate from the Leading Equity Center. Maura is a member of the Shrewsbury Public Schools Coalition for Equity and Antiracism and a member of the Town of Shrewsbury’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force.

Bethany Emery
Building an Elementary DLCS Course
District Technology Coach
Worcester Public Schools
This is my 6h year as a district wide Technology Coach for the Worcester Public Schools.
@Bethany Emery

Cheryl Farley
On Demand - Let's interact with Google Jamboard
Assistive Technology Consultant
Adaptech Consulting
As an Assistive Technology Consultant for 10 years,, my goal is to empower and inspire students, educators, and families on how to utilize technology in their lives. Some of my roles as an Assistive Technology Specialist are:
-Provide evaluations and consultations to assist the team in identifying Assistive Technology tools that will provide equitable access to the curriculum
-Collaborate with educators on creating technology integration plans
-Model the use of Assistive Technology in the classroom and home settings
-Create and provide relevant professional development sessions for all learners. I have presented nationally at ATIA and Closing the Gap. I have presented regionally at The Assistive Technology Conference of New England, Stonehill College, and at various Grade K-12 districts.

Michael Fauteux
On Demand - Building Equity In SEL Using Gratitude Science!
Executive Director
Michael Fauteux. Ed.M., is the Executive Director and cofounder of the nonprofit GiveThx, a program that strengthens wellbeing and social-emotional skills using gratitude science. Mike is a 20-year educator committed to increasing equity in education. Prior to GiveThx he served as the Director of Innovation at Leadership Public Schools in Oakland, California, managing personalized learning, practice prototyping, and professional development. His past experience includes co-creating multiple edtech tools and working as an academic dean and master mathematics teacher.

Jenny Finnie
Westhampton Elementary School
Jenny Finnie is in her twenty-first year of teaching sixth grade at Westhampton Elementary School, located in the small, rural town of Westhampton, MA. She teaches all subjects, but math is her favorite. Jenny graduated from Westfield State University, where she double-majored in Elementary Education and Mathematics and also received her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education. Throughout the 2016-2017 school year, Jenny was hired as the Teacher in Residence at Westfield State University, and she has continued to teach as an adjunct professor and mentor aspiring teachers. Jenny is also a GBH Educator Ambassador and is always looking for new ways to enhance student learning.

Erin Fisher
On Demand - Gettin' Giffy with it
Learning Smackdown with...
District-Wide Technology Integration
East Bridgewater Public Schools
After teaching in the classroom since 2005, Erin Fisher became Technology Integration Facilitator (PreK-12) for the East Bridgewater Public Schools, a 1:1 Google Reference District, in 2016. She has presented at the MassCUE conferences, Bridgewater State University, Medfield DLD, GooglePalooza and leads professional development in East Bridgewater focusing on integrating technology in the classroom. Erin teaches two graduate courses on Technology Integration as well through the Plymouth County Education Association. She is a Google Certified Trainer, certified Pear Deck Coach, Kami Hero, and Wakelet Ambassador. She is Co-Chair the Communications Committee and an Awards Committee member. Erin holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, an M.Ed. in Elementary Education from Rhode Island College, and an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instructional Technology from Framingham State University.

Sue Fisher
Curriculum Integration at its Best
EurekaLab Coach
Meadowbrook School of Weston
I run the EurekaLab, which is the makerspace at our school. I work with students on projects in grades Junior-Kindergarten through Grade 8, integrating design, making, and technology into the curriculum.